Dear Future Self, 20 years is a long time. 7,300 days to be exact. 20 years from today (September 13, 2023) that makes me 40 years old. I know this is the last thing you want to hear but damn you’re old… On this day at 3:34pm, you sit in your apartment three weeks into your junior year. As a freshman, you entered the University of Tampa as a Sport Management major. As a sophomore, you added a Communications, Media, and Culture major. Now Junior year, you’ve included a Public Relations minor with hopes of graduating early (honestly, for bragging rights). I wonder if you concur with that goal. It’s currently the beginning of fall; well fall in New Hampshire. It’s about 90 degrees every day here in Tampa. The 0.8-mile walk to campus every day is BRUTAL. I hope by now you’re living somewhere that actually has fall, with color-changing leaves, cool breezes , pumpkin patches, and ...